President’s Message from the APIW website

Founded in 1976, APIW is the leading organization dedicated to advancement of professional insurance women and to the recognition of their contributions to the industry. APIW sponsors programs that encourage professional development and provide opportunities for members to hone leadership skills. The group has over 300 members who are successful professionals in the insurance industry and have a cross-section of industry skills and knowledge to share. APIW is based in New York City, with a network in Chicago.

My primary aim is to ensure that APIW maintains its position as a well-recognized organization that is both inclusive and dynamic.  In order to achieve this we need to effectively serve the needs of our current members and also be proactive in expanding the membership base.  The strengths and successes of this organization come from individuals within our membership who volunteer their talents and expertise in an effort to meet today’s challenges.  I welcome all of you to come forward and actively work toward success of this organization and its membership.

It is critical that APIW delivers on its mission.  We annually provide numerous educational programs that are always relevant and informative, we actively encourage affiliations within our arena and beyond, and our events provide meaningful networking, mentoring and leadership opportunities for women.  I am grateful for my affiliation with this wonderful organization and the opportunities that it has given me to work with top-notch women who I can rely on for advice and guidance as I build on my own career.

This past year, under the capable leadership of Past Presidents, the Board and Advisors as well as the committees, along with the financial support of 25 sponsor organizations, the APIW has significantly furthered its mission of being responsive to advancing the careers of women.
Several events that we believe bring value to our membership have been planned.  Carla Harris, author of Expect To Win: Proven Strategies for Success from a Wall Street Vet, will be speaking at a breakfast we are holding at the Yale Club on March 23, 2010 at 8:30 am.  On April 21, we will hold a luncheon at Bridgewaters and Lindene Patton, the Climate Product Officer of Zurich Financial Services Group, will speak on Climate Change.  In May, we will have a panel discuss Career Management.  Please come and bring colleagues, these topics are all current and meaningful within our industry.
The APIW Insurance Woman of the Year award, presented annually since 1976, recognizes an exceptional woman who has achieved prominence in the insurance industry. We have a robust number of nominations this year and will soon announce the 2010 Woman of the Year in recognition of her outstanding achievements and leadership within the industry, as well as her commitment to the advancement of women. Our June event is dedicated to this special woman, in addition we will be recognizing our scholarship recipients.

Please come to one of APIW’s events.  We would welcome your involvement on one of our Committees, as well.  Joining a Committee is the best way to meet other members and become more involved in the organization.  Details about our events and about how to join a Committee can be found on our website,
Again, thank you for all for allowing me to the privilege of being President.  Please feel free to contact me or any Board member if you have questions, suggestions or comments so that we can develop meaningful committees and programs.

All the best,
